Freya Spath • [email protected] • 020 8267 4153

Ann Pickering
CHRO & Chief Of Staff , Telefonica 02 UK
Ann Pickering is a Chartered Fellow of the Institute of Personnel Development and until recently, was the CHRO & Chief of Staff of O2 UK Ltd. Here, she managed a team of 130 who provide HR services to the 6500 O2 employees in the UK. After gaining a degree in English, Ann began her career with Marks & Spencer, joining their Graduate Programme specialising in HR. Ann's expertise in human resources, together with a strong background in technology, brought her to O2 in March 2004. Since joining O2 she has been number one 'Most Influential HR Director in the UK ' and top three for the last 2 consecutive years. In 2019 Ann was recognised in the HERoes global top 50 Women Role Model list which recognized women who are leading by example and driving change to increase gender diversity in the workplace.